i miss writing, telling stories

so i give you the music i've been listening to as i navigate/learn how to be gentle with self and baby, others around too. becoming a mommy takes up all my time. and i love every moment of it. and i also have needs to process challenges in not-so-public ways as blogs, facebooks, and twitters...family, …

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documenting first day of week 39

it has been a rough week emotionally. as i have said before, pregnancy brings up everything to the surface to be dealt with. some things just keep coming up! validate emotions, breathe, shower, breathe, and let go. it's been my routine for days now. otherwise i will end up with a heartache bigger than i …

Continue reading documenting first day of week 39

dream weavers

last night i watched a movie called C.RA.Z.Y. about a family blessed with 5 children- all boys. One of the boys was "special" (as described by the witch in the movie)...the story revolved around him and his fathers struggle to accept his gay son. it was a beautiful story. i recommend it. i also recently i …

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living beyond survival means reclaiming my voice and the rhythms of my body

my louder than expected voice broke the 17 day silence. it was as if i had been waiting for that moment to stand up in front of that so familiar audience and firmly read my own words. before i read i said, this is dedicated to all the prisoners all over the world. this is …

Continue reading living beyond survival means reclaiming my voice and the rhythms of my body

a bigger container, notes on self care during challenging times

i'm at capacity. translation: i feel full and if anything seems like it will cause me to spill over, i quickly shut down. this is not something i am proud of necessarily. my attempts to de-stress seem to be successful but whenever i unexpectedly get into a disagreement with a loved one, i start to …

Continue reading a bigger container, notes on self care during challenging times